I was plagued by constant belly pains and nausea – it seemed that my belly was just ‘too sensitive’: too much food, too few food, too late dinner, too spicy food, too fatty food…the list goes on and on.
Some medicine helped, but as soon as I stopped, the symptoms came back.

Then, I had a burnout. And ironically, this lead to solving my ‘sensitive belly’ issues.
HOW? I was looking for a new purpose, something that gave me energy. I had thought about starting my own business for a while, but something was holding me back. 🙏 Via a friend of mine, I met Mandy and she introduced me to the world of the orthomolecular therapy. First via LR Health and Beauty and their ‘gut and metabolism’ supplement regimen. Then, she introduced me to John Verhiel, orthomolecular therapist. Thank you Mandy!

So, here we are :
– My belly problems are an exception, not the rule;
– I continue to work on my well-being using the orthomolecular approach;
– My own business became a reality;
– I became part of a team “Preventionist” of John’s Centrum Preventieve Geneeskunde;
– And, I could already help others to feel better!

Bit of geeky stuff: The orthomolecular therapy aims at bringing the body in balance and thereby in a healthy state by correcting imbalances with dietary supplements (substances that naturally occur in the body such as vitamins, minerals etc.) at high doses for a short time and using a good nutrition to maintain well-being in the long-term. Orthomolecular means basically the right molecules in the right amounts. Orthomolecular medicine was first developed by Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel prizes. The name comes from the Greek ‘ortho’, meaning straight, correct, right and molecule.

Experiencing the benefits of the orthomolecular approach myself, I am so enthusiastic that I want to share this knowledge!
Would you like to know more? Send me a message and let’s have a chat! 💬

Take care, Stephanie

In pursuit of well-being. Yours, and that of our planet.

#wellbeing #orthomolecular #burnout #balance #nutrition #natualsupplements